To the Al Sisi military dictatorship, your move to join the ICJ case against the Israeli genocidal occupation will not distract us.
This move will not distract us from all the arrests of free Palestine activists last month.
This move won't distract us from your police protection of the Israeli occupation forces at the borders of Rafah.
We won't celebrate dictatorships. 
Free all prisoners of conscience, including free Palestine activists in Egypt right now.
We demand that you abolish the Camp David Accords that were signed against the people's will.
We demand that you cut your economic ties with Israeli apartheid and stop exploiting the refugees at the Rafah borders, seeking 5000 euros per person to cross.
We are familiar with your dictatorial techniques and your political decorative tools will not distract us.
You will not distract us from the terror you cause people in Gaza and in Egypt. 
You will not kill us and then walk into our funerals. 
Stop protecting the Israeli occupation forces and cut all your economic and political ties with the Israeli occupation regime right now.
"You will not kill us and then walk into our funeral" is an Arabic proverb. 

Ne boste nas ubili in potem vkorakali na naš pogreb

Al Sisijevi vojaški diktaturi: vaša poteza pridružitve tožbi na Meddržavnem sodišču ICJ proti izraelski genocidni okupaciji nas ne bo zamotila. 
Ta poteza nas ne bo odvrnila od izražanja solidarnosti z vsemi aktivisti za svobodno Palestino, ki ste jih aretirali prejšnji mesec. Ta poteza ne bo odvrnila naše pozornosti od vaše policijske zaščite izraelskih okupacijskih sil na meji v Rafi.
Ne bomo praznovali diktature. 
Takoj izpustite vse zapornike vesti, vključno z aktivisti za svobodno Palestino v Egiptu!
Zahtevamo, da prekinete sporazum, ki je bil v Camp Davidu sklenjen proti volji ljudi.
 Zahtevamo, da prenehate z izkoriščanjem beguncev na meji v Rafi, ki jim zaračunavate 5 in več tisoč dolarjev na osebo za prehod.
Poznamo vaše diktatorske tehnike in vaša politično dekorativna orodja in ta nas ne bodo pretentala. 
Ne boste preusmerili naše pozornosti s terorja, ki ste ga povzročili ljudem v Gazi in v Egiptu.
Ne boste nas ubili in potem vkorakali na naš pogreb.
Takoj nehajte braniti izraelske okupacijske sile in prekinite vse gospodarske in politične vezi z izraelskim okupacijskim režimom!


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