Tag Archives: antifa


nationalism and patriarchy are part of the same autocratic circle in which gender, place of birth, skin color and even language become main indicators of one's position in society. this kind of thinking is advocating for the dominance of imaginary strong men who are allegedly protecting the land and the so called female bodies. in turn the sole purpose of this objectified bodies becomes the reproduction of slaves or soldiers, however you might want to call them.
in far-right groups, we can find many people calling themselves antifeminists; however, there also seem to exist those, who describe themselves as 'identitarian feminists.' their main role seems to be sharing the hate towards refugees and other people whom their racist brains feel threatened by. these social biggots are not only "ordinary nazis" - they are politicians, business people, police officers and others holding power positions in society. state as a form is by default supporting authoritarian thinking, protection of artificial borders and is based on the devision of the proud statesman and the others.
we find it necessary to stand against the division and social positioning based of skin color, gender, age and body ability, to be loud and clear about it, and to build strong ties within our movement across all borders. despite the irony of nazis connecting internationally, this is exactly what they are doing, with the lukov march and day of honor being just some of those examples. as the invitations below state, these gatherings are becoming smaller each year, which can only mean that our efforts to support each other have a tangible effect. but there can never be enough antifascist presence and solidarity! we encourage everyone to join both manifestations and show that we will not give up despite police repression and its enforced isolation and that hateful, racist, militarist, macho ideologies have no space in our surroundings!


The denial and glorification of the crimes of the nazi past is a common phenomenon. More and more people are trying to idealise the fascist era and with that, they are betraying the future they want.Fascism brought total dictatorship, mass genocide, war and misery to humanity. Horthy, in the service of the nazi empire, forced hundreds of thousands of hungarian soldiers to participate in genocide, most of whom lost their lives in the interest of german colonialism. The nazi empire, in collaboration with the hungarian state, murdered half a million hungarian citizens using industrial methods. The nazi army plundered europe, including hungary. It dismantled factories and took them away – except for those ones that the workers prevented from being removed. The german army blew up every bridge in the country. The hungarian ’arrow cross party’, the servants of the german nazis tortured and murdered thousands of people until the last minute of the war. Their senseless military resistance left much of Budapest heavely damaged. Mass deaths and ruins were the results of the nazis’ “heroic deeds”.

In February 1945, nazi imperial troops that were trapped in the Buda castle tried to escape unsuccessfully. To commemorate this, today’s nazis, fascists, legionnaires and the ’outlaws’ of the ’outlaw army’ try to hold events in February to glorify the nazis. The area around the castle is full of people who see the nazis as heroes. They hold concerts, try to march in uniforms or pretend to be on a hike, not on a nazi commemoration. They organise the commemorative hikes specifically because they believe that the authorities cannot prevent them to gather then. The “outbreak tour” has now become the largest nazi commemoration event. The organisers of the tour receive substantial state funding, despite the fact that the tour clearly states in its description that its aim is to pay tribute to the ‘heroes’ of the nazi empire that plundered and destroyed europe. Those who take part in this tour are not only human decorations of the fascists’ plans for power today, but also present an identification with the atrocities of the ’arrow cross’ nazi regime.
By glorifying the deeds of their former predecessors, today’s nazis are presenting their own plans for the future. Those who consider the former ‘race war’ heroic want to do exactly the same now.

Never again fascism! Say no to glorifying the nazis! Stop the nazis of today!

10 February 2024, 14.30, Budapest. Széll Kálmán Square



2024 marks the 21st year in a row of the neo-nazi Lukovmarsh demonstration in our city of Sofia. “Lukovmarsh” is a neo-nazi torch march with big international participation. Far-right groups from all over Europe come to Sofia every year to support their local counterparts in commemorating the Bulgarian antisemite general Hristo Lukov (1887-1943) who was associated with the Third Reich. The organizers from the Bulgarian National Union (BNS) are often spotted in neo-nazi demonstrations in Poland and Italy. That is not surprising since the “guest list” of Lukovmarsh includes internationals from Spain (La Falange), Germany (NPD, Die Rechte, Der III Weg), France (Terre et peuple), Italy (CasaPound), Austria , Croatia, Poland (Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski), Romania (Nova Dreapta), Hungary, Sweden (The Nordic Front). Over the years we made sure that there was always resistance against Lukovmarsh and a counter demonstration called “No Nazis on Our Streets!”. We believe that our efforts and the international solidarity over the years have helped to make the neo-nazi torches dimmer! We continue our struggle until they completely disappear from our city, as well as in the rest of the world.
Lukovmarsh is becoming more and more associated with neo-nazis by the general public and has far less attendance! We want to warmly thank each person who has come to Sofia in solidarity with our counter demo “No Nazis on our Streets!” in the past! Your support has helped immensely!
Yet, even when Lukovmarsh is banned by the Sofia Municipality, every year neo-nazis continue to be calmly escorted by police and left to march. Never dispersed, never arrested and always protected by the authorities. At the same time, peaceful demonstrations in solidarity with the people of Palestine are banned with the threat of force, dispersed and the homes of organizers invaded by the police and the special forces.
As antifascists, we clearly see the double standard of the state. In Bulgaria, you can be an antisemitic neo-nazi but if you protest a genocide -it is deemed “antisemitism” or “terrorism” without any particular reason. As antifascists, we will continue to rise against antisemitism and the real antisemites!

As antifascists, we will not let Putin’s pretend antifascism to be the only one that is heard of.

As antifascists, we will always stand against Erdogan’s fascism and ethnic cleansing of the Kurdish people.

As antifascists and as feminists we will not leave the women of Iran alone.

As antifascists, we will always stand with migrants, who are currently facing further restrictions by the EU.

This is the ethos that “No Nazis on Our Steets!” always had and will continue to perpetuate.

To those of you who have come previous years and to those that consider coming this year – we would like to officially invite you to “No Nazis on our Streets!

2024 on the 17th of February in Sofia, Bulgaria!

Antifa Sofia/Antifa Bulgaria