This pride against colonialism, genocide and war, against the exploitation, imprisonment and slaughter of our bodies and against destruction of land.
To take back the autonomy of our bodies and land is nothing radical. The corrupted wage war on the underprivileged and oppressed every second of every day - from the bosses who rape their employees, the police that beat up people protesting for peace, businessmen who bulldoze community spaces and pollute nature to make room for their investment projects of hostile infrastructure trying to push the poor out of gentrified cities; to the army men who kill people on command, dictators who jail any voice that opposes their regime and the companies that simply make their money with providing weapons for the colonizers. From Ljubljana to Gaza, our greatest enemy is the evil patriarchal neoliberal imperial complex, which feeds itself on the exploitation and destruction of our bodies, minds and the natural world, compromising our shared future for generations to come.

When we say people of the world united in a struggle we will never forget our sisters in occupied territories hiding from bombs and snipers while the ideologically brainwashed elite soldiers dance on their graves. We will not stay silent while they broadcast their genocide live. We will occupy space that the ruling class thinks it can control, and we will shout in solidarity with the oppressed people and colonized land in Palestina, Sudan, Ukraine, Kurdistan, Kongo, Xinjiang, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Yemen, Iran, Libya, Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, Morocco, Syria, Jordan, Türkiye, Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, Afghanistan, India, Kashmir, Myanmar, Pakistan, The Philippines, Mexico, Columbia, Brasil, The Chagos Islands, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Kanaky, Canada, Turtle Island and so on.

The political and economic elite tries to convince themselves and the world that they have the right to decide what happens to bodies and land they think they can control. They wage wars, famine and genocides wherever they decide and deem profitable for them. The only solution is in our collective resistance to this systematic destruction of life. Men in power feel like they can exploit, rape and slaughter bodies and nature without any repercussion. Sitting in their glass castles they think they are immune to our revenge. They refuse to believe that the first stone thrown to break one window will be followed by a storm of rocks exponentially growing in size and velocity as our rage grows stronger with every sister's life compromised. We will avenge every single one of us that they try to take advantage of and soon their skyhigh towers will crumble. We will not rest until these violent power structures are dismantled, justice is served and the oppressed are liberated.

We invite you to join the anarcha-queer-feminist resistance for the following actions as part of the PRIDE FOR FREE PALESTINE in Ljubljana:
7. 6. at 18:00 at a secret location (ask your local anarcha) 
DECOLONIAL STREET PARTY: a radical queer-feminist performative action with political speeches and performances, flash-mob, paste-ups and cocktail bar on free donations for Gaza - bring your colorful bodies and the spirit of resistance!

13. 6. at 11:00 in front of Egyptian Embassy (Opekarska cesta 18a)
PROTEST IN MEMORY OF SARA HIGAZY: in solidarity with imprisoned free Palestine activists in Egypt, against the military dictator regime that enables the genocide in Gaza and the U.S imperial affairs in the region.

15. 6. at 17:00 at AKC Metelkova Mesto --> Pride Parade
NO PRIDE IN GENOCIDE blocc at Ljubljana Pride: we will meet at Metelkova and join the parade under palestinian and anarcha-queer flags with a cocktail bar and screenprinted keffiyeh bandanas on free donations for Gaza. Dress-code: colorful queer creatures.

22. 6. at 20:00 in Clay Theater (Vilharjeva cesta 3)
1834: AL GHAWAZI & KHAWALT: Al Khawalt is part of the Arabic heritage of queer belly dance shows which got stigmatized over the time due to the French and British colonial influence in Egypt. Al Ghawazi are womxn belly dancers who were banned in Egypt because of French colonial influence in 1834. This belly and queer belly dance show is to raise funds for families in Gaza. 


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