Category Archives: freepalestine

Call for Transnational days of action against militarism and nationalism from the Balkans (1st to 10th October 2024)

The assembly of Balkan solidarity network gathered at the Balkan anarchist bookfair in Prishtina, Kosovo is calling for ‘Transnational days of action against militarism and nationalism’ between 1st and 10th October 2024. We call on everyone to organize actions in their own localities and in their own ways during this period, opposing the conditions of war: nationalism, militarism, patriarchy, and exclusionary politics, among others. We call for actions against the arms industry and the transport of weapons, against all national military apparatuses, multinational military coalitions, and the increasing militarization of our societies. As in previous years, we propose to emphasize our solidarity with all deserters, war resisters, and total army objectors.

The call for days of action is rooted in the long-term efforts of the anarchist movement in the Balkans against militarism and war that was once again confirmed during the final assembly at BAB2024 in Pristina, during which we emphasized: “War is an intrinsic part of the capitalist system. Whether low-intensity or full-blown, it serves as an important tool for the expansion of capitalism by opening new sources for exploitation, such as land, sea, minerals, all living beings, or the production and sale of weapons as capital. We don’t fall into the trap of considering a conflict as a binary between nation-states, although we do accept its nuances and contexts of how they happen; we see it as a war of capital against societies. Wars in Ukraine, Sudan, Syria, Myanmar, Sub-Saharan Africa, cartel wars in Mexico, and others all share the same logic of domination and expansion of capital, which only brings death and destruction.”

To this we add more on the particularities of our geography: “We recognize that the states of the Balkans are not mere sideline spectators to the spectacle of war but an intrinsic part of it; from hosting major world military installations, provide training grounds for armed forces, offer logistics and corridors for arms and troop transfers, contribute technical know-how, playing a significant role in global war maneuvers and producing and selling weapons around the world, thus, with being part of and enabling murder and genocide. While private and state sectors work hard, hand in hand, to develop even the smallest Balkan countries into serious arms-producing and/or purchasing region, we see increasing pressure on local societies to accept a new, ever more militarized reality under the pretense of fear and uncertainty for the future.”

Perhaps the most vile and evident example of war logic currently in front of our eyes is the genocide happening in Gaza and the attacks in the West Bank against the Palestinian people, with tens of thousands of civilians dead and the whole region destroyed, in continuous broadcast on our screens; all these supported by world imperialist powers and the military-industrial complex, including Balkan states, which provide political and military support. The genocidal war of annihilation in Gaza serves as both a reminder of the West’s colonialist ability to conduct wars of extermination and as a thanatopolitics laboratory, showcasing what the ruling classes currently want and are able to do to entire populations.

We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and call for resistance in each Balkan locality to disrupt the political and military support provided by the Balkan states to the state of Israel. We recognize that the enemy is not only war itself but also the states and capitalist systems that perpetuate it and profit from it.

Once more we emphasize the urgent need to organise campaigns against the arms industry, the war profiteers of all kinds including those that supply the military machine with food, energy and any other resource. We must not forget about resistance against all and every national military apparatus and multinational military coalitions. We must continue to struggle against all nation-states and all supranational political and economic unions and conglomerates, that claim our lives, our societies, the natural resources and the territories in which we live; against military mobilization and their industry that feeds on the wealth we produce; against rulers that claim to govern in our name while only protecting capital and ruling classes; and against all that enables war to thrive. We recognise here a need to be present and active in a space of public discussion and in spaces of the anarchist and antiauthoritarian movement in particular.

Over the walls of nationalism and war!

No border divides us, no nation unites us!

Stop the genocides in Gaza and everywhere!

Solidarity with all deserters!


Balkan Anarchist Solidarity Network 

Gathered in Prishtina during Balkan
Anarchist Bookfair, 7th July 2024


This pride against colonialism, genocide and war, against the exploitation, imprisonment and slaughter of our bodies and against destruction of land.
To take back the autonomy of our bodies and land is nothing radical. The corrupted wage war on the underprivileged and oppressed every second of every day - from the bosses who rape their employees, the police that beat up people protesting for peace, businessmen who bulldoze community spaces and pollute nature to make room for their investment projects of hostile infrastructure trying to push the poor out of gentrified cities; to the army men who kill people on command, dictators who jail any voice that opposes their regime and the companies that simply make their money with providing weapons for the colonizers. From Ljubljana to Gaza, our greatest enemy is the evil patriarchal neoliberal imperial complex, which feeds itself on the exploitation and destruction of our bodies, minds and the natural world, compromising our shared future for generations to come.

When we say people of the world united in a struggle we will never forget our sisters in occupied territories hiding from bombs and snipers while the ideologically brainwashed elite soldiers dance on their graves. We will not stay silent while they broadcast their genocide live. We will occupy space that the ruling class thinks it can control, and we will shout in solidarity with the oppressed people and colonized land in Palestina, Sudan, Ukraine, Kurdistan, Kongo, Xinjiang, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Yemen, Iran, Libya, Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, Morocco, Syria, Jordan, Türkiye, Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, Afghanistan, India, Kashmir, Myanmar, Pakistan, The Philippines, Mexico, Columbia, Brasil, The Chagos Islands, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Kanaky, Canada, Turtle Island and so on.

The political and economic elite tries to convince themselves and the world that they have the right to decide what happens to bodies and land they think they can control. They wage wars, famine and genocides wherever they decide and deem profitable for them. The only solution is in our collective resistance to this systematic destruction of life. Men in power feel like they can exploit, rape and slaughter bodies and nature without any repercussion. Sitting in their glass castles they think they are immune to our revenge. They refuse to believe that the first stone thrown to break one window will be followed by a storm of rocks exponentially growing in size and velocity as our rage grows stronger with every sister's life compromised. We will avenge every single one of us that they try to take advantage of and soon their skyhigh towers will crumble. We will not rest until these violent power structures are dismantled, justice is served and the oppressed are liberated.

We invite you to join the anarcha-queer-feminist resistance for the following actions as part of the PRIDE FOR FREE PALESTINE in Ljubljana:
7. 6. at 18:00 at a secret location (ask your local anarcha) 
DECOLONIAL STREET PARTY: a radical queer-feminist performative action with political speeches and performances, flash-mob, paste-ups and cocktail bar on free donations for Gaza - bring your colorful bodies and the spirit of resistance!

13. 6. at 11:00 in front of Egyptian Embassy (Opekarska cesta 18a)
PROTEST IN MEMORY OF SARA HIGAZY: in solidarity with imprisoned free Palestine activists in Egypt, against the military dictator regime that enables the genocide in Gaza and the U.S imperial affairs in the region.

15. 6. at 17:00 at AKC Metelkova Mesto --> Pride Parade
NO PRIDE IN GENOCIDE blocc at Ljubljana Pride: we will meet at Metelkova and join the parade under palestinian and anarcha-queer flags with a cocktail bar and screenprinted keffiyeh bandanas on free donations for Gaza. Dress-code: colorful queer creatures.

22. 6. at 20:00 in Clay Theater (Vilharjeva cesta 3)
1834: AL GHAWAZI & KHAWALT: Al Khawalt is part of the Arabic heritage of queer belly dance shows which got stigmatized over the time due to the French and British colonial influence in Egypt. Al Ghawazi are womxn belly dancers who were banned in Egypt because of French colonial influence in 1834. This belly and queer belly dance show is to raise funds for families in Gaza. 


To the Al Sisi military dictatorship, your move to join the ICJ case against the Israeli genocidal occupation will not distract us.
This move will not distract us from all the arrests of free Palestine activists last month.
This move won't distract us from your police protection of the Israeli occupation forces at the borders of Rafah.
We won't celebrate dictatorships. 
Free all prisoners of conscience, including free Palestine activists in Egypt right now.
We demand that you abolish the Camp David Accords that were signed against the people's will.
We demand that you cut your economic ties with Israeli apartheid and stop exploiting the refugees at the Rafah borders, seeking 5000 euros per person to cross.
We are familiar with your dictatorial techniques and your political decorative tools will not distract us.
You will not distract us from the terror you cause people in Gaza and in Egypt. 
You will not kill us and then walk into our funerals. 
Stop protecting the Israeli occupation forces and cut all your economic and political ties with the Israeli occupation regime right now.
"You will not kill us and then walk into our funeral" is an Arabic proverb. 

Ne boste nas ubili in potem vkorakali na naš pogreb

Al Sisijevi vojaški diktaturi: vaša poteza pridružitve tožbi na Meddržavnem sodišču ICJ proti izraelski genocidni okupaciji nas ne bo zamotila. 
Ta poteza nas ne bo odvrnila od izražanja solidarnosti z vsemi aktivisti za svobodno Palestino, ki ste jih aretirali prejšnji mesec. Ta poteza ne bo odvrnila naše pozornosti od vaše policijske zaščite izraelskih okupacijskih sil na meji v Rafi.
Ne bomo praznovali diktature. 
Takoj izpustite vse zapornike vesti, vključno z aktivisti za svobodno Palestino v Egiptu!
Zahtevamo, da prekinete sporazum, ki je bil v Camp Davidu sklenjen proti volji ljudi.
 Zahtevamo, da prenehate z izkoriščanjem beguncev na meji v Rafi, ki jim zaračunavate 5 in več tisoč dolarjev na osebo za prehod.
Poznamo vaše diktatorske tehnike in vaša politično dekorativna orodja in ta nas ne bodo pretentala. 
Ne boste preusmerili naše pozornosti s terorja, ki ste ga povzročili ljudem v Gazi in v Egiptu.
Ne boste nas ubili in potem vkorakali na naš pogreb.
Takoj nehajte braniti izraelske okupacijske sile in prekinite vse gospodarske in politične vezi z izraelskim okupacijskim režimom!



our current anarcha-queer movement in ljubljana symbolically formed around the 8th of march march where for the last 4 years we tried to address issues like femicides as a symptom of patriarchal society, our dissatisfaction with liberal feminism, organise a strike against reproductive work and reclaim the night against gendered violence.
this year we could not recognise a more pressing issue as the current attack of the israeli state on palestinians and the still ongoing genocide in gaza. we can not imagine a womens and other oppressed genders liberation in the west while the killings and exploitation of our sisters continues by the hands of colonial forces around the world.
this is why we anarcha-queers, organised on the principals of (intersectional) feminism and de-colonial thought, called for two protests on the 8th of march in ljubljana this year. in the morning we gathered in front of the US embassy and called for recognising the american imperialist system as complicit in killings and oppression of peoples in the middle east and africa. the evening protest adressed the 8th of march through antimilitarism - we expressed a clear position to stop all wars, to support peoples (armed) resistence and we called for a feminist insurgence against the war machine all over the globe!

below we are sharing the call to the first protest (in english) and the statement from the sisters group sestre (in slovene):


On March 8th, during the working hours of the U.S. patriarchal and imperialist embassy in Ljubljana, at 11.30 am, we will stand in feminist solidarity against U.S. neo-colonial misogynist affairs. We call out the U.S. genocidal foreign affairs for their ongoing crimes in Gaza. The resolutions of patriarchy and imperialism will be held accountable.

We will stand together in solidarity for Abeer al-Janabi, for all the women in Gaza who suffered sexual violence in israeli prisons. For all the women and people of all genders who were sexually, physically, and psychologically abused and bombed by your armed patriarchal machines, for the sexual abuses and torture committed in your imperial prison in Iraq, the Abu Gharib prison we hold you accountable. We condemn you not only for your crimes in the Gulf War, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, and so on but also for your horrible crimes against humanity in  Libya and  Syria, creating a humanitarian disaster rarely seen throughout the world. Your occupation and crimes have directly, seriously, and permanently harmed people’s rights to life and freedom.

On International Women’s Rights Day we demand:
– To cease-fire in Gaza immediately;
– To stop enabling and funding genocide against Palestinian people immediately;
– To leave Jordan and take your military imperialist misogynist armed troops with you;
– To take your imperialist, misogynist hands off Yemen;- To stop your colonial foreign misogynist affairs everywhere immediate

U.S.A., U.S.A., You can’t hide! You are funding genocide!

U.S.A., U.S.A., you can’t hide! You enable genocide! 

Free Palestine! Free Gaza! Stop the genocide!


2 leti vojne v ukrajini, meseci genocida v gazi, kongu, sudanu, vojaško nasilje v mjanmaru, kolumbiji, jemnu in drugod po svetu. 8. marca se združimo v trdnem odporu proti sistemom zatiranja in izkoriščanja. ne bomo tiho, ko nas poskušajo imperialistične, patriarhalne in kolonialne sile utišati – glasno in odločno zahtevamo konec nasilja in izkoriščanja! skupaj smo močnejšx, to ni le slogan.

vojna, orožje, genocid in represija niso neizogibne stvari. terjati mir danes konkretno pomeni terjati razgradnjo režima apartheida in okupacije v palestini, prekinitev vseh vojaških intervencij v ukrajini, razgradnjo vojaške industrije in razpustitev vojaških organizacij vseh vrst, nasprotovanje porabi javnega denarja za oboroževanje, za vojno, za vojsko in policijo ter njuno infrastrukturo. nočemo kapitalističnega miru, ki za številne med nami pomeni življenje v pomanjkanju, vsakodnevno nasilje in izkoriščanje, hkrati pa marsikje pomeni tudi pripravo na novo vojno. zavračamo pinkwashing, ki ga izvaja izrael, saj spodbuja udeležbo žensk* in kvir oseb v vojski kot končni horizont emancipacije. jasno nam je, da je transfeministični boj edini način za kolektivno osvoboditev.

pozivamo k transfeministični stavki, ki ruši družbeno reprodukcijo in kapitalistično proizvodnjo, katere del je tudi vojna industrija. stavkamo proti vojni kot največjemu izrazu patriarhalnega nasilja, bojkotiramo civilno infrastrukturo, ki spodbuja genocid v palestini in oboroževanje opresorjev. ustavljamo skrbstveno delo – delo v naših domovih, v tovarnah, bolnišnicah, skladiščih, na univerzah in šolah, v pisarnah in menzah. stavko širimo onkraj plačanega dela, ki vključuje številne oblike dela na črno, prekarnega, neformalnega in nepriznanega dela. pozivamo k solidarnosti med vsemi zatiranimi skupnostmi.

koliko so vredna naša življenja? koliko je vreden naš čas? malo, premalo, skoraj nič za kapitalističe izkoriščevalce. če naša življenja niso vredna – stavkamo! ustavimo reprodukcijo kolonialno-imperialističnega sistema – če se ustavimo me, se ustavi svet – s protesti in stavkami vseh oblik plačanega in neplačanega dela, z bojkotom nakupov in vsakodnevnih dejavnosti, ki prinašajo dobiček kapitalističnemu sistemu, pozivanjem k embargu na orožje in krepitvijo prizadevanj za preprečitev in prekinitev dobave orožja izraelu, uporabo platform za govor o palestinskih ženskah v gazi, bloganjem in pisanjem na družbenih medijih ter širjenjem tvitov, letakov ali slik s sporočili solidarnosti z gazo in z vsemi koloniziramini skupnostmi globalnega juga. naj bo 8. marec stopnjevanje boja proti genocidni vojni v gazi in sionističnemu kolonialnemu projektu naseljencev v palestini!

transnacionalnistična solidarnost presega vse meje: pridružujemo se palestinkam, ki se upirajo in borijo za svoj obstoj in samoodločbo, tistim, ki zapuščajo državo izrael in vsem po svetu, od afrike, zahoda, bližnjega vzhoda do latinske amerike, ki si prizadevajo za lastno osvoboditev!

s feminističnim bojem proti vojnim strojem!
